We realize that the markets we operate in have various firms similar to ours calling on them for the same business. This can sometimes make it difficult to know who best to work with. The following are a few of the areas that we think differentiate us from our competitors.
- Local Knowledge: “John & John” have a combined 60 years of insurance experience assisting corporations, bankers and individuals in establishing and implementing both supplemental retirement programs and insurance investments. During this time we have made hundreds of board presentations, have worked with local and national consulting, accounting and legal firms and have been asked to speak and write about our knowledge many times. One of the comments we have heard from our clients is that although we have a national service agency behind us is it nice to know that when they call us we generally will have the answer off the top of our head and if not we are the local advocate that will find the answer. In addition to the above we feel we are in the prime years of our careers having solid experience behind us and still quite a few years ahead of us.
- Business structure and stability: After working for a publicly held firm in our business we felt strongly that the consulting services that we provide do not fit well within a public company setting. We did not want to feel rushed to “close a deal” because our parent company needs to make budget for the quarter. We operate as an independent advisor firm which is part of M Financial a forty year old privately held company that is owned by over 130 individual offices around the country. These offices pool resources in order to provide more efficient services to our clients. Our home office is not a profit center it is designed to enhance the services of the local offices. The “M” brand is recognized and greatly respected within our industry and has been a stable organization for many years servicing some of the largest banks and corporations in the world.
- TPA Access: We are unique in that we have several relationships with excellent TPA serving firms. We are not tied to just one outlet which enables us to better match client programs with those firms that provide the best fit.
- Industry commitment: Is important to us in that we are an advocate for our client’s needs. M Financial offices around the country hold leadership positions at our national trade association, Finseca. Tax and legislative input is critical to the ongoing design and maintenance of many of our programs. We recognize that change will continue to occur and that we have to be prepared to represent our clients with our full resources.
- Access to proprietary product and dedicated service unites from carriers: M Financial brings tremendous industry clout and negotiating power when dealing with carriers to gain access to top products, work directly with carriers to develop new products and features and also demand dedicated service units for business written.