Our customized peer analysis includes Loan / Deposit Ratio, ROAA, ROAE, Net Interest Margin, Efficiency Ratio, Non-Interest Income, BOLI Holdings as well as other key performance drivers. 

If you would like to request a specific peer analysis, please click here to request a BOLI peer analysis.  This peer analysis will provide both overall state specific information regarding BOLI holdings as well as specific peer banks by name within your region. 


BOLI Peer Analysis Example 
Company Name  City  State  Total Assets ($000)  Capital ($000)**  BOLI CSV ($000)  % BOLI to Capital  % BOLI to Assets 
Coconut Grove Bank  Miami  FL  627,540  106,775  18,013  16.9%  2.9% 
FineMark National Bank & Trust  Fort Myers  FL  1,110,743  110,200  22,796  20.7%  2.1% 
Florida Capital Bank, N.A.  Jacksonville  FL  340,713  31,858  9,810  30.8%  2.9% 
Pacific National Bank  Miami  FL  424,600  54,450  0  0.0%  0.0% 
Platinum Bank  Brandon  FL  561,997  57,125  0  0.0%  0.0% 
United Southern Bank  Umatilla  FL  439,554  42,858  6,160  14.4%  1.4% 


* S&P Global Market Intelligence; ** Tier 1 Capital plus Loan Loss Allowance, if applicable